How little white lies could kill the sale of your home in London

Published: 05/10/2020

We all tell a white lie or two now and again, it could be the cost of those shoes that suddenly appeared in the wardrobe or that stunning unique lamp that you just had to have in your home office.  Yet as innocent a slip of the tongue it may be, some white lies can cause serious problems, especially when you are hoping to sell your home.  This is why our team at Right Now Residential just want to ensure you’re aware of how little white lies could kill the sale of your home in London

There is a line

Some people have no issues with being direct, whilst others may embellish the truth in the hope of not offending, or simply nod politely not committing themselves one way or another.   With the rise of fraud and aggravating cold calling over the years, it is only natural that we can be guarded with our responses, but when it comes to selling your home, there is a line that cannot be crossed and that is ensuring you tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


During the conveyancing processes, you will be required as the seller to complete a TA6, or more simply known as the Property Information Form, in which you are required to provide, honestly, a wealth of information to the buyer.  This includes declaring if you have had any issues in the past with those closest to you, your neighbours.  

So let us ask you, knowing that declaring this could actually see your sale fall through, would you say anything?  Whilst you’re pondering over that question, let us tell you that it’s actually a legal obligation to do so, especially if official bodies have been involved. Staying silent could see your sale collapse, or you could face legal proceedings in the future, and under the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the burden of proof lies with you.  

One of the issues that commonly cause neighbour disputes is boundaries, it’s, therefore, advisable to reach a conclusion before you place your home on the market.  

A frosty shoulder

The leaves are changing to their beautiful autumnal shades, and if you’re like us, you may even have popped that heating on for an hour the other evening, just to take the chill off the room. Central heating is an essential feature of any property, especially in the winter months, so failing to declare an inadequate or failing central heating system could give your buyers the frosty shoulder.

It is crazy to try and fib your way around this, as it’s not exactly something you can hide like a pile of clutter in your back bedroom.  They may sense something is not quite right on a viewing, and request that the boiler is checked by their plumber, then what?  When the issues become obvious and they know you have told a tale or two, they may wonder what else you haven’t been completely honest about.  Your little white lie has then turned into a whole box of nasty secrets – whether that’s true or not, they can no longer trust you and your property and you will have to say goodbye to your move.

Dampener on things

Damp is one of those things that can be overexaggerated if not fully understood. Many old period homes have damp, and owners used to such a home will know the difference between a crisis and a little bit of mould.   Yet damp stains can put, we’re sorry to say, a dampener on things for potential buyers and is actually one of the biggest turn-offs.  

If you have damp in your home, get a damp survey report done before viewings start so you can give buyers all the facts about any issues, rather than them whisking up a work of fiction on the subject.  The issue may be easily fixable and, if it is, just get it done, or be willing to negotiate with the buyers on price if they would want to have the work undertaken.

It’s not clever

There is no place for little white lies when it comes to a legal transaction such as buying or selling a home.  We want you to sell your home in London as much as you do, so be honest about any situations or issues, as we can often find a solution that will ensure that you’re kept on the straight and narrow and that your home is sold as quickly as possible.

Have a question about selling your home in London? Contact our team today on 020 3002 2650.