Published: 02/11/2020
There is nothing normal about this year, and that includes what has been happening in the property market. As you may know, the local property market in London is incredibly active, and this can have a knock on effect on the process of selling your home. At Right Now Residential, our teams, whether they are in the office, or having to work from home, are working extremely hard to ensure that everything is in place to help things run smoothly. But there are many things YOU can do to aid the process of selling your home.Prevention is key
Preparation, preparation, preparation – with COVID 19 already slowing things down you don’t want to add to any delays. Due to the current volume of property sales in London and, of course, a little pandemic making things even more complicated, a process that may normally take a week to complete can take up to a month. Add to this the fact that you’re not prepared and so are delayed passing on information when requested, and your completion date gets further and further out of sight.

Delays can also make people nervous, and even though they may understand that things could take a while, the longer it takes the more likely they are to have doubts, putting your sale in jeopardy. This is why our Right Now Residential team want to let you know the things you can do to keep your sale moving and stop anyone having doubts and walking away.
Get a solicitor now
Your home is on the market, viewings have proved fruitful, you’ve accepted an offer and now you’re on the hunt for a solicitor. WHOOO!!! This may have been OK last year but not now. As soon as you place your home on the market, you need to be instructing a solicitor immediately. Conveyancers are overwhelmed, and the one of your choice may not have the capacity to take on your sale.
Their job is taking longer, searches are taking longer, the time to raise enquires has increased, and even with all the best intensions things are a lot slower than they would normally be. Therefore, you dilly-dallying is not going to get your house SOLD, especially if the Stamp Duty holiday is in your sights.

We can always give you a list of solicitors/conveyancers that our clients have recommended. Instruct your solicitor, ensure they have capacity and complete the documentation they need whilst your property is being marketed. It is worth getting a file together for all these documents, ready to hand to your solicitor when instructed. You will need to provide proof of your identification; the documents required will be a passport or driving licence, and a bank statement or utility bill to prove your address. This will place you in the best position for moving forward.
Boiler heat
One of the documents that you will need is your boiler service certificate – is yours up to date, and do you know where it is? This is a crazy season for plumbers, and if your boiler needs an up to date certificate, please don’t wait to be asked for this by your solicitor, find it NOW, or get your service booked in as soon as you can.
Proof of works
Part of the joy of owning your own home is being able to put your stamp on it, whether that’s through decoration or an extension of some description. Any building works that have been undertaken on your property need to have proof of planning permission (if this was needed) and any building FENSA certificates, guarantees, and warranties, which will confirm that the works have been completed to current standards. So if you’ve had new windows, a loft conversion, a new roof, or a conservatory, all related documentation is essential.

Safe deeds
Remember when you bought your home, an incredibly exciting time, and you were given a file that included your title deeds? Or perhaps you paid for your solicitor to look after them on your behalf? Knowing that this is the most important of files, you will no doubt have placed it in a ‘safe place’ – ahh those safe places, time to search your home now to find out where yours is!
The lease/listed
Is your home leasehold or freehold? If it is leasehold then you will be required to present a copy of the lease; if it’s freehold, the relevant documents will also be needed. If your property is listed, any specific documentation related to your listing again is needed.
Boundaries can cause major delays, especially if the position of the boundary is not clear, which is why this documentation is of great importance. It will also let buyers know who is responsible for maintaining the fence or hedge, and if there are any rights of way.
Get ready
Selling your home, as we know, can be stressful, but by doing everything above you can aid the process of selling your home in London We know you may have questions, that’s natural, so please don’t hesitate to give our team a call on Right Now Residential. Whether we’re in the office or working from home, our team are here to support you every single step of the way.