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Our Culture

Our Culture

We value excellence, integrity, honesty and hard work around a desire to achieve.

If you would like to discuss your journey with us. Write us a brief message about yourself and your goals. We will contact you back.


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One of life’s certainties is that everyone needs a home. We have the exciting opportunity of making the process of renting or buying a home a brilliant experience for all involved. Our innovative and inspired culture encourages us to do this.

Like all great companies, we strive to hire the best in every area. We value excellence, integrity, honesty and hard work around a desire to achieve. We aim to be an all-star team who achieve amazing things as individuals, and as a collective.


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  • We encourage growth, promotion and reward when it has been earnt. Not to set timelines, age or length of time on the team

  • We share information openly and honestly throughout so everyone knows our common goals and how we are performing. Through this we embrace and enjoy our success as one

  • We employ and retain only highly effective people that share our values and embrace our positive culture

  • We avoid rules and procedures, where possible, to encourage independence and growth

 We endeavour to create a world class culture in which a team of outstanding high performers work in synchrony to achieve common goals. We enjoy what we do, we apply ourselves fully and we switch off at the end of every day knowing we have given our absolute best.


In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact
 We look to ensure the following 10 values are implemented and instilled in our culture every minute of every day:

1. Outstanding Customer service. 

This has always been our number 1 focus and must be instilled in every aspect of what we do. If we do the best we can for our clients, our success and growth will continue as a byproduct. 

2. A Team of All-Stars

Build a world-class team of motivated high performers in the mould of an all-star sports team. We work towards common goals as one.

3. Positivity and Enthusiasm breeds Success and Smiles. 

The more positive our attitude, the more we will enjoy everything we do, and the more successful we become. Believe in the power of the smile.

4. Acknowledge and Reward Great Work.  

We applaud our achievements, and we celebrate and recognise individuals within our team. Success for your colleague will inevitably bring success for you.

5. Calculate Risk/Reward. Never a Half Service. Never Busy Fools.

We consider all new work before we decide to proceed. Our service is first class, and our time is precious. Once we commit to working with a client, we must always deliver.

6. Truth, Transparency and Communication Internally and Externally – even the difficult stuff. 

From the top-down (and vice versa), this must flow through the company. A manager not being truthful with someone underperforming is not being fair to that person and not giving them a chance to improve. Face to face honest and truthful communication is essential. We do not send emails to take the easy option. We practice radical honesty through constructive criticism to avoid tension, an unwanted atmosphere and office politics.

7. Embrace Hard Experiences.  

They are a necessary part of the journey to long term brilliance and success. We make the bad times good and the good times great.

8. We Always Present a Problem, with a Solution

We are not afraid of presenting problems. They happen, and need to be dealt with. We are the experts that find the best solution and present this confidently, to clients or colleagues.

9. Leanest Possible set of Policies, Procedures, rules and Approvals

Our culture is not to implement needless procedures, policies and rules, but look to how we can minimise these to allow more freedom and creativity.

10. We are not Perfect, we make Mistakes, we Own Up, we Learn and we Move On

We do not hide issues, and we never hold individuals accountable for mistakes made if they are made while acting for the good of our clients and the company.

Note from Peter

I am immensely proud of our achievements over the last 10 years. The company we are today is entirely different from the company we were five years ago, or even two. Still, our core values have remained the very same as they were on day 1 – focus on customer service, give your all to every opportunity and build relationships that will last a lifetime.

Remembering to take stock of our achievements is just as important as quickly refocusing to our next goal and target.  

Our response and activity throughout challenges, such as COVID-19, show the strength of our team and winning mindset. We have shown resilience, adaptability, and a clear focus on adding value to support our clients. We did not furlough, we supported our team and invested in new colleagues. We worked harder than ever before and saw fresh opportunities. We should all be very proud of our actions and attitude throughout this period.

Our path of growth will full of change, and challenges, which we will not shy away from but embrace, and welcome as opportunities to learn, grow and improve, as individuals and a team.

I am more excited now than ever before, to be building our business, as a part of our inspirational team.   







SATURDAY   9:30AM–4:30PM



169 Tower Bridge Road


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